Bienvenue sur

QMI Warehouse

Heikant 140 A
9240 Zele

If you would like to visit our warehouse, give us call or send an email to

Returns Europe

Quartermaster Inspector
Heikant 140 A
9240 Zele

Returns UK

The Green Barn Barton Ltd
Attn: Peter De Brabander (QMI)
16 Cambridge road
CB23 7AR Barton
United Kingdom

Returns USA

Hessen Antique
Attn : QMI-retour
189 Cobb Parkway N
Suite A5
Marietta GEORGIA 30062
United States

Please indicate on a paper which size you would like to exchange the item for or would like a refund. Please also keep in mind that returns are at your own expense. We will then ship the new item again at our expense.
Returns from the UK or USA must send an email to on forehand so that we are aware of the package and can contact our parteners.