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U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute (white)

U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute (white)

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Verfügbarkeit: Ausverkauft

499,00 €

U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute

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  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute - finishing
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute - finishing
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute
  • U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute

De Brabander Mfg. Co. Logo

U.S. Airborne T-5 Parachute (white)

Reproduction, with white webbing. Manufactured by Quartermaster Inspector.

Limited availability !

  • Package includes:
    • T-5 Backpack
    • Pull-out panel with static line and hook
    • Parachute harness (adjustable)
    • Reserve pack with pull handle
    • 6 elastic cords with hooks
    • Piece of thin rope to close the backpack
  • Each T-5 Parachute comes with one free WWII Camo Paratrooper Scarf.
  • Canopy not included
  • Weight: 5,400 kg.

- ! Only for display use ! -
Do not use it for real parachute jumps

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